Saturday, March 26, 2011


Meditation itself is a vehicle or a path towards knowing the Self and becoming that essence. It is a means to drink of that "nectar" that will intoxicate a person with supreme knowledge of Self. This is knowledge of God: jumping in wholly and merging with the Ultimate. This is the Philosophy of Philosophies, the Religion of Religions, the God of Gods, The Knowledge of all Knowledge.

The word Dhyanam itself is a composition of root words from the Sanskrit language. The root word Dhaya means drinking, sucking (or taking in) or absorbing. And Yaana means a vehicle of any sort. This term usually refers to a vehicle or means that can take one straight to Self-Realization (God). So the word itself refers to a tool or means that can carry you straight to the Goal: however it is not the Goal, itself.

The purpose of this vehicle is to take you beyond perception. God is beyond perception. To perceive is to appropriate understanding. Can God be limited to external, material understandings? No...So God (knowledge of Self) is Beyond all external perceptions: not even a book can give you access to this knowledge.

What makes the vehicle viable and fit to take you to God and fully absorb that? What exactly is this vehicle/means? Can it be attained or brought into life or is it already had? Is it also beyond perception (like God) or does it take you from perceiving to inifinite transcendence? And how? What exactly is that Meditation? What is being Meditated upon? And what or who is the Meditator?

These are all things to think deeply about. Before one can even begin to think about taking on Meditation, it must be understood what it is you are trying to gain. Allow the curiousities to rise. Allow your interest to flourish about this meditation.

Please reflect deeply on the above. There will be more information to follow.

Love, Light and Bliss...
