What is that vehicle (yaana) that aids your meditation?
Please know, that the vehicle itself is able to take you directly to God because it has been to the destination many times before. You are not the driver; you are the passenger. The vehicle is also God. Yes, God takes you to God.
Saints and Rishis say, it is by the grace of your Spiritual Master that you will attain God; only he can take you to God because the Supreme Master is already flowing through him. Only he that has God in him can take, even a fool, to God: the Supreme Master. He knows how to take you across the ocean of sin, through the darkness of the Soul and beyond external perceptions in order to know God. He knows the fountain of bliss from which to drink and absorb. How can one know what to drink of if he has never tasted? The Spiritual Master infinitely drinks from this sacred nectar of God. He will teach you what to feel for and give you the required tools to prepare for your drink; but he cannot drink for you nor catch the nectar for you. So, you must be trusting and devoted to this vehicle (the Spiritual Master). You must trust with every ounce of blood in your body that he knows the path to righteousness and can prepare you for Yoga and God Consciousness (Self-Realization). Not only must you be devoted to your Spiritual Master, but once he gives you glimpses of God (Self-Realization), you must be devoted to that as the Ultimate Supreme Goal. It is as if the Spiritual Master becomes a looking glass for you to peer through; but the Supreme Master is not being shown to you because the Spiritual Master is devoted to your growth. It is because you are devoted to him and, also, to the Supreme Master as the Ultimate Realization of Self and Goal of life, equally. Devotion is key: for first the meditation and then for Self-Realization. Nothing is possible without it.
A real, living Spiritual Master is necessary to meditate and achieve the goal.
Even if a man be born with expanded consciousness and has taken birth as a Jivanmukta (liberated soul), the Spiritual Master is required to show him the way, again and again: otherwise it could be destructive and disasterous along the path to liberation and Self-Realization.
The drinking or absorbing (dhaaya) can only happen upon truly understanding the nature of that nectar(of the thing being absorbed). You must know the taste without doubt. If you have never had apple pie, but you are looking for the best one. How can you know if you don't know what to taste for, what to savor and how to digest easily? One cannot know unless you meet the master of making and eating such. Only the Spiritual Master can teach you of the taste. But in order to be taught this, you must have undying devotion. There can be no doubt in the ability of your Spiritual Master. Doubters go on learning external knowledge. They go on, ignorantly, seeking that which is directly in front of them. Until all doubts are dissipated, the Spiritual Master will not instruct you in the esoteric meanings of the practice: for you will not be able to fully grasp and understand them otherwise. Even if the ocean of bliss is placed directly in front of you, you would not even recognize it to take even a sip, much less drink and absorb.
There is no meditation without a true Spiritual Master to lead you and guide you. And with that, there must be deep devotion to him in order to attain the goal...
Love, Light and Bliss...
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